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The compass and the road

Welcome to our ITHIKOS Podcast which seeks to deepen the vision that we defend at ITHIKOS, which is "to give meaning and optimize performance" in order to support companies in their transformation.

For this we regularly welcome professionals from different sectors of activity and of diverse origin, but who all have in common to enrich the reflection on this quest for meaning and performance optimization, for which we feel the need so much today. We want to give new impetus and passion to companies, their managers and teams.

You can follow us by clicking here: Spotify Ithikos

Episode 1

[French] In our first episode we are pleased to welcome Eric MELLET, one of the great specialists in France of a new but very significant current, The positive psychology.


Episode 2

[Spanish-English] In this our second episode, in alternate Spanish and English, we are pleased to welcome Nir HINDI, professor at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid in the International Entrepreneurship MBA and founder of the consultancy The artian