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Caminar como en un sueño

¡Esta primera editorial del 2020 está dedicada a todos los que les gusta caminar para conocerse mejor!

¡Aquí estamos de nuevo, en 2020! Se abre una nueva década y comienza un nuevo año. Es una gran responsabilidad preparar esta primera editorial y era necesario pensar bien qué tema abordar en ella; así que después de varias noches de reflexión, decidí comenzar esta nueva serie con otro ritmo.
Caminemos por un momento juntos, ¿os apetece?

Caminar, ¿Pero por qué?


Es divertido ver que padres y abuelos están esperando el milagro. ¿Cuándo empezamos a caminar? Todos tenemos en mente el momento preciso en que nuestros hijos comenzaron a caminar, primero a cuatro patas y luego, ¡magia!, ¡de pie!.

Caminaron, cayeron, lloraron, se levantaron y el ciclo comenzó de nuevo. Pero ahora cuanto mayor es el niño, mayor es la aceleración del ritmo, pasando de un ritmo lento a más sostenido para terminar, como es habitual en nuestra sociedad, a la carrera; de hecho, a paso acelerado entre correr y caminar, he practicado ambos deportes durante mucho tiempo. Para ser honesto con mis propósitos para 2020, y siendo consecuente conmigo mismo... también practiqué a la carrera en la empresa como profesional “pero eso fue antes” como dice la canción.

Volver a caminar es como un nuevo aprendizaje que nos espera en una sociedad en la que todo va muy rápido y, sobre todo... todo debe ir muy rápido. Es un regreso a lo básico y, cuando somos niños, debemos levantarnos poco a poco y volver a aprender el equilibrio que habíamos buscado, sentido y desarrollado para finalmente dominar la marcha. Esta imposición del ritmo está cada vez más marcada por nuestra adicción a las nuevas tecnologías, como cuando navegamos por Internet para comprar, buscar información mientras cambiamos de página a través de nuestros estados de ánimo, debido a los inputs que constantemente nuestro cerebro recibe.

La población más afectada por la aceleración del ritmo debido a Internet y las redes sociales es, sin duda, los Millenials (nacidos entre 1980 y 1998). Como tal, aconsejo leer el excelente libro de Bruno Patino, “La civilisation du Poisson Rouge” en Editions Grasset, en el que explica cómo los estudios científicos realizados en los Estados Unidos han demostrado que la capacidad de concentración de los Millenials sobreexpuestos a las redes sociales, Internet y todos los artificios que los gigantes de la red están desarrollando para generar ingresos gracias a la economía de la atención, fueron casi 12 segundos...en comparación con los 9 segundos de concentración de Wanda, ¡el pez dorado más famoso del cine!. No estamos tan lejos..., un poco de esfuerzo, por favor.

Sonrío, pero prefiero llorar, porque después de reflexionar sobre este limitado tiempo de concentración no sé qué podemos encontrar de positivo. Esto es lo que sucede ante nuestros ojos, un ritmo frenético no permite que el ser humano tenga un nivel suficiente de reflexión para saber lo que realmente quiere, a lo que aspira, qué sentido dar a su vida y en qué invertir.

En general, propongo agregar un apunte a una lista ya larga de propósitos para 2020, la de recuperar el control de nuestra vida. Encontrar un ritmo más acorde con lo que mejor nos defina como persona: nuestra capacidad de pensar, de aprender del mundo para aprovecharlo al máximo, la de buscar la realización espiritual, profesional y personal a la que tenemos derecho. ¡Pero este derecho a menudo implica esfuerzo!

El camino de Santiago o la experiencia de otro ritmo


Hace varios años, me hice una promesa: hacer el Camino de Santiago, el famoso Camino Francés, en algún momento de mi vida. Cuando cambié de actividades, dejando la empresa multinacional para establecer ITHIKOS y comenzar el largo camino de apoyo en la transformación de las PYME de alto rendimiento y sus equipos, tuve la oportunidad de unirme a un grupo de amigos que ya tenía experiencia en el Camino.

La experiencia fue continua e intensa, bajo el calor abrumador de principios de septiembre en las llanuras de Castilla y León, 6 etapas. Todavía había muchos kilómetros por recorrer antes de llegar a Santiago de Compostela, pero en el fondo, cuanto más caminábamos hacia nuestra meta, menos queríamos que terminara la aventura. Es que la marcha en el Camino Francés tiene un carácter particular, eminentemente espiritual.

La historia del Camino de Santiago comienza cuando se descubrieron las reliquias de Santiago de Zebedeo quien vino a Galicia a predicar y convertir a la religión católica a los habitantes de esta tierra celta de España. A partir del siglo IX, se convirtió en una importante peregrinación de la cristiandad de la misma manera que las otras dos grandes peregrinaciones de la cristiandad que son las de Roma y Jerusalén. Si bien el interés por el Camino disminuyó durante los últimos siglos, desde hace algunas décadas este se ha convertido en un éxito rotundo de ámbito internacional.

La respuesta a este éxito es sin duda su característica basada en la búsqueda de un significado vital que afecta a muchas personas hoy en día, en la experiencia de "vivir a otro ritmo" que rompe el frenesí en el que estamos socialmente encerrados porque, al caminar, nos tomamos el tiempo para pensar, para hacernos las preguntas correctas, especialmente durante las etapas de interminables líneas rectas de Castilla y León.

Y a medida que empleamos más tiempo en ello, nuestro cerebro está más atento a todos los detalles que nos rodean, ya sean olores, colores, reflejos, paisajes, monumentos; nuestra sensibilidad se exacerba.

Finalmente, como tenemos más tiempo, también conocemos gente nueva. El Camino de Santiago de Compostela es verdaderamente un lugar único, como si la marcha y este "otro ritmo impuesto" tuvieran como contrapartida la riqueza del intercambio con los demás y con tus propios amigos. Se dedica más tiempo a escuchar historias personales, a hacer preguntas para comprender mejor las situaciones y reacciones, siempre sin juzgar, siguiendo así uno de los principios tan queridos por el gran Barruch Spinoza. También respondemos las preguntas, que generalmente se relacionan con el significado de la vida, su propia búsqueda espiritual, sus valores, su visión, su energía y cómo ponerla al servicio del bien común mientras florece en el trabajo. También hablamos de fatiga, calor, frío, lo que nos hace sentir el mundo exterior, la voluntad de querer seguir avanzando y el placer de completar tu marcha, para así llegar al siguiente destino.

A veces las conversaciones toman un giro inesperado. En particular, tengo un recuerdo conmovedor de esa noche a casi 800 metros de altitud en Foncebadón, durante la cual tuvimos un largo debate sobre la famosa Constante de Planck y su importancia en el mundo de hoy. ¡Un gran momento!

Esta experiencia, que recomiendo sin duda, es única, personal y universal. Ella agudiza al hombre y despierta sus sentidos, como un verdadero retorno a la fuente que lo convierte, como Goethe (1749-1832), en un errante.

"Caminar encurte el cuerpo y nutre el espíritu", escribió el escritor y caminante francés Sylvain Tesson.


Trasladar “el espíritu del camino” al mundo de la empresa


Cuando uno camina por el Camino, existe este "espíritu", algo especial y mágico, un ideal difícil de definir pero que me parece estar pensando como una mezcla de percepciones muy subjetivas y sentimientos universales. Si decidimos hacer el Camino de Santiago, no es solo para tener recuerdos de la marcha, de los paisajes..., sino más bien salir transformados y continuar viviendo a diario "el espíritu del Camino ".

Porque hoy, el mundo de los negocios, especialmente el de las multinacionales, se centra en ir cada vez más rápido, más lejos, más fuerte. Es el síndrome de la maximización del resultado lo que conduce a una pérdida de participación medida y cada vez más importante de los colaboradores, a desviaciones del “management”, a una visión a corto plazo de la empresa (ver mi editorial de noviembre de 2019 "Show me the money!"; Desactivación en el trabajo, Estudio Gallup France publicado en junio de 2018).

Y, sin embargo, sin ser una paradoja, es curioso ver que los grandes directivos de multinacionales emplean mucho tiempo para obtener la perspectiva, tratar de anticiparse, ver más... algunos se plantean emplear en ello 3 y hasta 5 años.

Incluso viví durante mi última experiencia profesional en una multinacional seria y reconocida por sus resultados, una "presentación prospectiva a 10 años". Todo esto es aún más divertido sabiendo que las compañías que les asesoran son las mismas que les explican que vivimos en un mundo VICA (Volatilidad, Incertidumbre, Complejidad, Ambigüedad), ergo, la mejor manera de sobrevivir es precisamente buscar "otro ritmo" y adaptarse al cambio. Todo eso resulta muy difícil de implementar cuando la velocidad se considera como un valor clave para hacerlo mejor, más rápido, más fuerte y más allá de la competencia.

La consecuencia de esta forma de gestión quedó muy bien ilustrada en la película Háblame de ti con el excelente actor francés Fabrice Luchini en el papel del CEO que, después de un derrame cerebral, encontró en la marcha un retorno justo a la vida y los valores. Veáse también el conmovedor testimonio en vídeo de Christian Streiff, ex CEO de PSA, quien se inspiró en su historia para la película   (

Creyendo profundamente en la proactividad y el intercambio, os propongo 7 virtudes que parecen ilustrar el famoso "espíritu del Camino", fáciles de implementar y que son el sentido común y el encuentro con el otro. Os permitirán ir a otro ritmo, construir vuestra empresa con un enfoque y visión de desarrollo sostenible, con equipos estables e involucrados:

  • Virtud del Espíritu del Camino # 1: Tómate tu tiempo
    ¡Todo comienza con eso! Acuérdate de tomarte el tiempo para hacer cosas, distanciarte de la vida cotidiana, de resultados que nos encierran en una lógica a corto plazo si no nos preocupamos. Dedicar tiempo a las cosas, a los que nos rodean en la empresa para percibir con más delicadeza y agudeza lo que está sucediendo y así poder pensar y proponer como directivo soluciones más justas y planteadas, con una perspectiva de cambio a medio plazo.
  • Virtud del espíritu del Camino nº 2: Escucha
    Oír no es escuchar y, como suele decirme uno de mis amigos, "un verdadero profesional escucha para entender, no para responder". Para escuchar bien, es importante estar aquí y ahora. No solo para escuchar bien lo que se dice, sino especialmente para comprender, hacer preguntas y estar realmente interesado en lo que el otro tiene que decir.
  • Virtud del espíritu del Camino # 3: Se resistente
    Caminar parece simple y natural para el ser humano, pero caminar durante mucho tiempo, durante horas, en condiciones a veces difíciles, no es una condición segura. Debemos adquirir y desarrollar resistencia, aceptar la dificultad y perseguir el esfuerzo para finalmente lograr nuestro objetivo. A veces la etapa alcanzada no es la que queríamos... ¡pero es la que hicimos! Incluso la imperfección es parte del camino y nos ayuda a construir. Con resiliencia, nos adaptamos, mejoramos y comenzamos de nuevo.
  • Virtud del Espíritu del Camino nº 4: Comparte
    Si hay una virtud primordial en el Camino, ¡esta debe ser el compartir! Es a través de la riqueza del intercambio que uno crece. Compartir también se hace en la dificultad. Caminamos al lado del compañero de viaje quién a veces puede sufrir retraso y entonces nos adaptamos a su ritmo para llegar juntos a la meta.
  • Virtud del Espíritu del Camino # 5: Sé abierto y curioso
    Aceptar el desafío a las convicciones de uno a través de escuchar activamente al otro, sin prejuicios. Para convencerse de las certezas tratando de tomar otro eje de reflexión, saliendo de la zona de confort, para buscar otra solución, otra sensibilidad diferente a la imaginada.
  • Virtud del Espíritu del Camino # 6: Encuentra el significado
    Como escribí anteriormente, el Camino es eminentemente espiritual. Esto no significa necesariamente ser religioso y muchas personas en el camino buscan ese “algo más” que meramente las creencias religiosas. El hombre necesita sentido en su vida, lo que le da la energía natural para levantarse, avanzar y enfrentarse a los contratiempos de la vida.
  • Virtud del Espíritu del Camino # 7: Celebra
    Ciertamente a veces hay dolor, afrontamos la dificultad y los peligros... pero, ¡qué alegría cuando cruzamos el final de la etapa, cuando alcanzamos el objetivo! Entonces lo celebramos. Uno de nuestros rituales con mis amigos era tomar una cerveza fría (y merecida) en el primer bar del final de la etapa. Un amigo mío de Madrid me contó cómo había reorganizado en Francia, la filial de un importante grupo de seguros. Se encontró con un equipo muy competente que amaba la compañía pero que estaba totalmente desmotivado. Cada nuevo cliente, cada cliente recuperado fue tema de celebración, tema que fortaleció el espíritu de equipo e hizo que el esfuerzo conjunto fuera más significativo. De hecho, la celebración es el último paso... es la recompensa por todas las virtudes anteriores defendidas y vividas con fuerza y ​​convicción.


Como siempre, la búsqueda de la excelencia, de un cierto ideal es más un viaje que un objetivo. Esto es lo mismo para el Camino y su espíritu. En primer lugar, cada uno de nosotros debe profundizar, buscar en sí mismo más significado, compartir, sentir y luego tratar de transponer este "espíritu" en el mejor de los casos hacia su trabajo en sus equipos.

Y si por casualidad percibimos que nos estamos alejando del Camino ideal... entonces la solución es muy simple: nos volvemos a calzar las zapatillas, salimos y respiramos aire fresco.

¡"Buen Camino" a todos para el 2020!

"El camino conecta al hombre urbano con las grandes fuerzas de la naturaleza" Jack Kerouac



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Ghaziabad is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and a part of the National Capital Region of Delhi. It is the administrative headquarters of Ghaziabad district and is the largest city in western Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 1,729,000. [url=] Ghaziabad [/url] Ghaziabad is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and a part of the National Capital Region of Delhi. It is the administrative headquarters of Ghaziabad district and is the largest city in western Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 1,729,000.

Amritsar is a city in the northwestern Indian state of Punjab, 28 kilometers from the border with Pakistan. At the center of its walled old town, the gilded Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) is the holiest gurdwara (religious complex) of the Sikh religion. It’s at the end of a causeway, surrounded by the sacred Amrit Sarovar tank (lake), where pilgrims bathe. [url=] Amritsar [/url] Amritsar is a city in the northwestern Indian state of Punjab, 28 kilometers from the border with Pakistan. At the center of its walled old town, the gilded Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) is the holiest gurdwara (religious complex) of the Sikh religion. It’s at the end of a causeway, surrounded by the sacred Amrit Sarovar tank (lake), where pilgrims bathe.

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What exactly is in a party bus? A party bus can be a fun and safe method to transport a group associated with people to or it could be via an event. A party bus can be anything via a retrofitted school shuttle bus complete with molestia lights, to an upscale taxi cab service, to a stretch Hummer with a total bar. What exactly on earth is inside the party bus depends on the business you hire and just what you want. Many party vehicles include bars in all of them, complete with glassware, ice-cubes bins and little household fridges. Often party rapace include festive lighting like strobe lights, black indicators, dimmable lighting and the path lighting effects on the floor. A party bus usually has sound system within the back for por otro lado en route relocating and may even have a grooving particular person of polish ancestry in the middle. Some statements require place belts in bash rapace and decree that many passengers must be seated if the vehicles are moving, as a result there must be a seat per and every passenger. For you to make sure you know what you will end up paying for, request photos inside within and outside of the particular specific vehicle you are usually hiring. In addition make guaranteed you have all fees besides details of precisely what is and is definitely not covered in a created written agreement. How much accomplish you tip to get a party bus? When you rent a party bus, it’s industry standard to tip the vehicle driver 15 percent to 30 per cent of the rental cost. Many rental firms include a gratuity regarding the driver as a new sequence item on typically the bill, and some leave tipping to the experience involving the passengers. Often party bus drivers are employees from the rental company, and usually are most certainly not seeing most regarding the money everyone paid to hire the trip for the night. A person should consider the final as a standard part of your personal total party bus cost. The career of the party bus driver is always to keep you actually and the other people safe, ensure your convenience, and get you in order to your vacation spots on moment (barring outside factors including weather or unforeseen traffic). Party bus agents are usually usually the ones who stock in addition to prep the actual bus with ice, drinks, and other asked for objects before picking a person right up. They are also usually designated with cleaning the particular vehicle as early as you and your guests are done for just about any night. Ask your employ company whether a word of advice into the in the estimated price, and also turn into sure to be able to be prepared with finances or the ability to be able to tip simply by credit playing card after the event. Of course , tipping is not expected (unless it is a written part of right up you agreed to), in case you had problems along with the operater, you would not have to word of advice. But if you had the nice name, consider showing well. Naturally , if your friends were extra crazy as well as messy, add a couple of extra dollars to your personal hint to acknowledge the actual driver’s extra work washing up after you. How much does it cost that you rent a party bus? Meeting bus prices vary in line with the size of party bus an individual want, some time of time and day of typically the week you need, in addition to the length of time in which you want to hire the bus. The state average price to get a party bus is $530-$700. Party bus prices can be affected by where within the country your residence is. Larger cities, like New york, possess higher fees with regard to insurance, licensing and tolls in comparison with a smaller town may, plus a higher expense to do business, therefore party bus prices will normally be higher than in modest cities. The sizing and first-class of the party bus you want may possibly affect the price. Intended for example, just about any 10-passenger motor vehicle could price $100 every hour, a 14-passenger automobile could cost $125 for every hour, and a 20-passenger automobile could cost $150 each hour. Party bus costs usually are likewise dictated by the particular season or holidays. Hire on New Year’s Event will be a great deal more high-priced than on a Thurs . afternoon in November. Most rental companies have the least number of hours you must obtain, often starting around many a long time. The longer you will hire, the higher the selling price. The distance you actually vacation can also affect charge. For example, a travelling travel through wine state may cost more than the bar-hopping party through town - even for a similar amount of hours - as a result of additional fuel required to be able to travel the longer long distance. Grubby party guests can easily also increase your own personal party bus price. Broken homemade wine glass, important spills, or trouble for the particular vehicle’s interior or possibly outside will all be invoiced to the customer. A company often times have a foundation rate of $150 intended for excessive cleaning, moreover additional charges for precise destruction. If you want much more information or simply you wish to get party bus in your celebration, you can certainly take a look at this web page- [url=][/url]

Get started with on the internet research. Even though you are willing to purchase a case at a conventional retailer, on the lookout for some details on the net will probably be very handy. Usually, 3 main substance sorts are supplied: leather, neoprene and silicone. There are also aluminum instances which might be, nevertheless, not as preferred, as well as Earlier mentioned types. This article will explore pros and cons of such elements determined by true consumers' assessments. Leather appears to be amazing! Furthermore, a leather-based circumstance is a good accessory for people today deciding on a business style in dresses. In truth, a businessman wearing an expensive fit will look preposterous having an iPhone within a pink neoprene circumstance. A leather circumstance feels terrific in fingers. Having said that, the most important problem is the risk of buying a faux. You can find low-priced so known as "leather-based" instances just for a couple of bucks. You should know that a genuine leather scenario can not be less expensive than $30, though the vast majority of leather-based circumstances are priced as superior as $50 and much more. [img][/img] Silicone scenarios are exceptionally preferred since They may be pores and skin tight. Most of the circumstances are clear, so telephones will glimpse first, i.e. how These are. Many of us will not would like to use any handles for their mobile devices because they appreciate just how they at first glimpse. Consequently, a clear silicone situation is a wonderful Resolution. In addition to, this kind of conditions are certainly affordable. Neoprene is a popular product which seems fantastic and is quite strong. These days, more than fifty% of all cases marketed on the web are created of neoprene. The beauty of these situations is that they accommodate various variations and styles, i.e. are perfect for substantial hi en smartphones and cell phones young people use. Obviously, when buying a scenario for the smartphone it can be essential to be certain it perfectly matches, normally it can bring about problems. Getting scratches over a $500 gadget is unquestionably not a good idea. As a result, have a look at testimonials on various addresses and situations before you make a final determination. Normal people will reveal all advantages and disadvantages! You might be searching for a very good cellphone cover for your new cellphone. You're looking for comfort, protection, toughness, and elegance. A mobile scenario will make a trend assertion and you wish to obtain one which demonstrates your personal exclusive temperament. There are various differing kinds of cell handles to choose from. Leather, aluminum, and nylon are all very good resilient supplies and supply outstanding security in your mobile . Every one of these supplies can also be strong but by far the most practical can be a leather-based form cover. Leather, silicone and neoprene are all soft-equipped cellphone instances. Your cell phone just slips right into the situation and the case alone comes along with a clip to help you attach it on your belt or purse. This is fairly handy for the one who is on the run. A large number of delicate equipped cases have designs or vivid colour selections. Handcrafted leather conditions make a professional trend assertion and they are a little bit costlier, and will Price tag as many as $50 Every single. If you're looking for any designer leather cellular telephone circumstance Louis Vuitton would make some gorgeous kinds, they Expense a fortune but are undoubtedly worth it. Nylon Velcro mobile cases are usually not that modern but they do supply fantastic security from scratches and dents. These situations come in numerous various hues and models, and have a clip which might be attached to the belt. In the event you such as this much more industrial form of cellphone case then you can go on the internet and study the several brands. Rugged Devices manufacturer helps make some really pleasant mobile phone instances that Expense close to $thirty Every. These situations are made to get indestructible. Get the Product Here: [url=]spytostyle[/url] You will find a substantial assortment of mobile phone covers over the internet, and in addition locally. Consider your local shopping mall for a cellphone case and cover kiosk. These very little shops have hundreds of different mobile conditions and handles for yourself to choose from. Some are merely plain and others have models and themes. Your neighborhood cell shop also carries many different telephone scenarios to fit your exact cellphone. If you'd like to purchase a designer leather cell phone situation, you will want to store at a specialty leather store. Whichever sort or style of cell situation you are seeking, just ensure it suits all your needs, and make sure it offers good safety to your cellular phone.

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Picking out the most effective flooring for kitchens is undoubtedly an important decision when it comes to generating your space. After all, cooking area flooring is probably the most hardworking floor in the home and needs to withstand regular staining (and therefore quite a lot of cleaning), water spills, as well as temperature fluctuations. Of course , you won't mean that kitchen flooring ideas can't be pretty too. Applying beautiful patterns and surface finishes available regardless of the material you ultimately choose, there's no excuse for your kitchen floor not to be a major feature of the space. CHOOSE EASY TO MAINTAIN KITCHEN FLOOR TILES For durability and also range of visual effects, nothing exceeds floor tiles as one of the ideal flooring for kitchens. Floor tiles come in a range of all-natural and manmade materials along with finishes, from textured in order to matt to high shimmer. Some tiles are more porous than others - a specific thing to be careful of in the room where moisture quantities tend to be high. If you've fallen in love with a tile, including terracotta, that is porous, be sure it's well sealed, and resealed regularly. Choose: Need real stone? Opt for report or granite. For manmade materials, porcelain or normal ceramic are a time-tested flooring option for kitchens. What's the difference? Real stone has a lot of character; manmade materials a lesser amount of so , although they are generally economical and can be made to mimic various other materials convincingly, such as wood. Avoid: Limestone, which tends to scuff, and travertine, which is porous. Design know-how: Use larger-scale and/or pale-colored and/or high-shine tiles, to make a small living quarters feel bigger. Lay porcelain tiles diagonally rather than square upon the wall, too, to enhance the results further. Tiles with a twisted or dimpled skin surface are much more difficult to have clean than those with a delicate finish. Installing floor ceramic tiles: Is perfectly doable simply by DIYers, unless your areas tiles are particularly heavy as well as expensive, or a tricky content to cut (which some healthy and balanced stones are), in which case get the services of a professional. Learn how to tile in our guide. Cleanse floor tiles: To clean your overall tiled kitchen floor, utilize warm water only on natural all-natural stone, and a mild detergent on porcelain and porcelain. OPT FOR THE AMBIANCE OF WOOD KITCHEN FLOOR Wood flooring brings temperature and texture to a kitchen, particularly in a period household, but importantly in a stylish home where cabinetry may be sleek and modern. Continue to any kitchen will always be encountered with a lot of moisture, which means the available choice of wood flooring needs to be a brand new careful one. Choose: Built wood flooring, which will accomplish much better in a kitchen ~ with a durable top component, it is much more resistant to warping and movement than real wood. Avoid: Expensive, solid wood flooring surfaces, which can warp when up against water. Design know-how: For the on-trend, expensive finish, include parquet flooring laid inside the herringbone pattern. Lighter true wood colors will create a more huge feel in your kitchen, but actually will show dirt more quickly; bright white or pale cabinetry can look stunning contrasted in addition to dark wood flooring, which in turn hides marks more effectively. Wider boards look more contemporary as compared to narrower ones. Installing wood made flooring: Professional installation can often be recommended for a perfect complete, but as most of the ranges now come as a floating new carpet with a click-lock system, capable DIYers will be able to install wooden flooring themselves. Cleaning timber flooring: Clean your timber flooring with a damp machine, and avoid saturating the surface possessing water. CHOOSE LAMINATE FOR ALMOST ANY COST-EFFECTIVE KITCHEN FLOOR Laminate flooring has been a firm favourite for kitchens for a long time. Their own main edge over wood and wood flooring is the price tag effectiveness, although high-quality besides pricier options are available. Stain- and scratch-resistant, it's a very good option for busy dining rooms, but check yours bargains with the room's steamy issues before buying. Choose: Higher-end split, which can have a very convincing genuine wood or tile effect, in depth with grain finishes, embossing, beveled edges and stone presents itself. Avoid: The cheapest laminate, which in turn tends to stain, warp, and as well peel. With laminate flooring coverings, you get what you pay for, as well as cheaper options often purchasing an overly shiny as well as unrealistic effect. Design possibilities: Go for a low-sheen finish, and keep an eye out for the details mentioned above, such as beveled edges, to get a truly persuading lookalike. Protect your layered flooring from damage just by heavy kitchen appliances with an underlay. Installing laminate flooring: You can easily lay most laminate carpet coverings yourself, as most manufacturers get updated their laminate with easy-to-fit locking systems. Laundry laminate flooring: To clean your very own laminate floor, use a soaked cloth, but never the latest soaking wet mop, that could get water under the layered flooring and ruin this specific. If you want much more information or even you can purchase floors or order flooring installation, you can easily visit the website- [url=][/url]

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Наткнулся в интернете компанию где делают зеркала по индивидуальным размерам, в Москве и Области , у них огромныйкаталог зеркал и стекла на заказ. Контора называется «Мир Стекла». Ссылки ниже.
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Dietary supplements are products created to enhance your everyday consumption of nutrients, including minerals and also vitamins. Several are safe as well as offer significant wellness benefits, yet there are some that present health and wellness threats, specifically if excessive used. Nutritional supplements include amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, herbals, botanicals, and animal extracts. Benefits Generally, you need to have the ability to obtain all the nutrients you require from a balanced diet regimen. Supplements can offer you with extra nutrients when your diet plan is doing not have or certain health conditions (such as cancer, diabetes, or persistent diarrhea) set off a deficiency. Private nutrients are offered as supplements, typically in doses larger than your normal multivitamin. They can be made use of to deal with a shortage, such as an iron shortage, or decrease the danger of a medical problem, such as hypertension. Big doses of vitamin B3 (niacin) can help elevate "excellent" high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, while folic acid has actually long been used to lower the risk of a birth defect called spina bifida. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, might reduce the hazardous impact of radiation treatment medicines (allowing clients to tolerate larger doses of chemo). Unless a specific shortage is recognized, a supplement is normally not essential if you eat as well as work out correctly. The suitable use of supplements can assist you prevent adverse effects and toxicities related to overuse. Dangers In the United States, nutritional supplements are not managed as purely as pharmaceutical medications. Makers do not have to confirm that they are either safe or efficient. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't also identify whether dietary supplements work before they are delivered to market shelves. The FDA does keep a listing of tainted or potentially harmful items marketed as dietary supplements. The most awful culprits are typically weight management help, "natural" sexual improvement tablets, and also supplements targeted at body builders. Supplement suppliers need to adhere to specific labeling guidelines, including what they can say as well as not concerning the supposed advantages. That doesn't stop suppliers from declaring, commonly misleadingly, that their product can "improve the body immune system" or "deal with joint inflammation" even if there is little clinical proof to sustain the insurance claims. Normally talking, the FDA just acts on the most severe infractions. Potential Troubles While many dietary supplements are risk-free as long as you follow the item directions, big dosages of particular nutrients can have adverse effects. You can also overdose on specific supplements, taking the chance of major harm as well as fatality. Amongst some the damaging communications or dosing concerns: Vitamin K can lower the performance of blood slimmers like Coumadin (warfarin). Vitamin E can increase the action of blood slimmers, causing very easy discoloration as well as nosebleeds. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), when made use of for a year or more at high dosages, can cause extreme nerve damages. Vitamin B6 can additionally reduce the performance of the anti-seizure medication Dilantin (phenytoin) and levodopa (utilized to treat Parkinson's condition). Vitamin A made use of with retinoid acne medications such as Accutane (isotretinoin) and also Soriatane (acitretin) can reasons vitamin A toxicity. Iron as well as calcium supplements can minimize the performance of anti-biotics, particularly fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines, by as high as 40%. When taken in doses greater than the gut can soak up (but some people can tolerate 5,000 mg to 25,000 mg per day), vitamin C can create looseness of the bowels. Selenium, iron, and boron supplements can be toxic if absorbed huge amounts. Recommend your healthcare provider regarding any type of supplements you intend to take in addition to any drugs you are currently taking, whether they be pharmaceutical, over-the-counter, natural, conventional, or homeopathic. Nutritional supplements are products made to enhance your everyday intake of nutrients, including vitamins and also minerals. Dietary supplements include amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, herbals, botanicals, as well as animal removes. In the United States, nutritional supplements are not regulated as purely as pharmaceutical drugs. The United State Food as well as Medicine Management (FDA) does not also establish whether nutritional supplements are effective prior to they are delivered to market shelves. While many nutritional supplements are risk-free as long as you follow the product instructions, big dosages of specific nutrients can have unfavorable results. If you would like additional information about natural products, simply go to to website - [url=][/url]

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